Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Sharing Is Caring

On KSL news they shared a story about a man who attempted suicide. Downer story, right? That is what I thought. But as I watched the story I actually was very inspired. 

"There is a time and a place for medication, and I used medication to get over my depression, even after the suicide attempt, and he prescribed medication," he said, "but the healing and the best medication came from helping others who were dealing with the same thing.” -Seth Adam Smith
Watch his story
Seth is now changing lives with his story. He has a blog. His blog not only talks about depression. It also talks about:
  • Addictions
  • Eating disorders
  • Post traumatic stress disorder
  • Faith
  • Love & family 
  • Inspiration 

His blog is not your typical blog. It is a group of 12 different authors. A large variety of topics and a lot of opinions (all positive).
I have been very inspired by it. I am so grateful that the Lord preserved his life so he, and others, can inspire us.
I know that many of us have been through very hard things. Perhaps you can personally relate to Seth's story. Depression is real, and it can be so painful and difficult. I have been there. I am so thankful that the Lord is making me stronger everyday so that I am able to share my story. To share that God is good. He is very aware of your situation. 
Much love,

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Fight The New Drug

I came across this new site today. I have heard about it in the past..but today I have spent hours looking and watching all their videos. It is amazing! 

The University of Pennsylvania Mental Heath Department says: “Porn is one of the most concerning things to the psychological health of the human being existing today.  Pornography addicts have a more difficult time recovering from their addiction than cocaine addicts since coke users can get the drug out of their system but pornographic images stay in your brain forever."

It is such an amazing site! I LOVE everything they are doing to fight against pornography.  

Do you know how addictive pornography is today? 
Do you know how strong a pornography addiction is?

I didn’t realize it was just like being addictive to cocaine until I was in a 12 step addiction recovery group and was literally going through WITHDRAWALS! 

That’s right! I couldn’t sleep. I was very irritable. I got depressed. I had vivid dream “User dreams”. I felt so trapped. SO anxious. Pornogrpahy is a real addition. 

I am so grateful for the support that I had in the 12 step LDS addition recovery group. The girls in there new what I was going through, because they had been through it before. There were nights where I would sob, literally at my wits end. I felt so tempted and so horrible with where I was. I felt like my decision to stop was a bad choice, even though I knew it was right.

I am so grateful I had such an amazing support system I had. Without the LDS addiction recovery program I wouldn’t have understood the severity of my addiction. I would have felt the withdrawal symptoms, and not knowing what they really where OR what to do with them. I would have relapsed. I know it because it happen so many times in the past.

If you struggle with pornography and/or masturbating know that you are not alone. It is a real addiction. It is hard, but it is possible to stop. I promise you. I have been there. 
I am so thankful to the Lord for helping me out of my pit of darkness. It didn’t happen over night. He strengthens me everyday. There is hope. 

Get involved today! Whether you are an addict, you are a loved one of an addict or just happen to come across this blog. Spread the word. Find 5 ways they suggest for you to join and fight. 

Much love,


Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Drops of awesome

I came across a story that I absolutely love:

"As an object lesson when I was teaching this to the teenage girls at church, I gave them each a small dropper and I put a 2-quart bowl on the table. I told them that throughout the lesson they would get the chance to put drops in the bucket for every Drop of Awesome they could think of that they’d done. I promised them that we would fill the bowl to overflowing by the end of the lesson.

With about 5 minutes to go, we had barely begun to fill the bowl and the girls were looking around at each other nervously. The promised overflow did not look likely. Were they not awesome enough?

At that point, I pulled out a large pitcher labeled ATONEMENT and poured water into the glass bowl until it was spilling out all over the table and the towel the bowl was resting on. The class went silent.

When we are in a relationship with Christ, striving as God’s sons and daughters to do His will, He pours more into our buckets than we can ever hope to imagine. He can fill us to overflowing with peace, with joy, with perfection, with Awesome. And then what do we do if our bucket is overflowing like that? Where does the Awesome go then?

I pulled out an identical bowl, twice the size of the original. Our capacity for joy and light increases. And we just keep working, one tiny drop at a time. And we don’t compare today’s drops to yesterday’s or tomorrow’s. And we live and we love and we repent when we do wrong and we allow ourselves to be glorious, beautiful, and dare I say perfect in Christ, children of God.

I believe in a God who loves us and roots for us and cheers for every Drop of Awesome we can manage. Our victories are His victories and He wants us to feel joy. Not later, when we no longer make mistakes, but right now.

“Now ye may suppose that this is foolishness in me; but behold I say unto you, that by small and simple things are great things brought to pass; and small means in many instances doth confound the wise.” (Alma 37:6)

Small and simple. Tiny drops. Go forth. Be Awesome."

So grateful for this amazing message! Cannot get enough of the simple, incredible (BEYOND BELIEF MESSAGE). Thank you "Daringyoungmom". This is exactly what I needed today. 

So blessed to learn more about the atonement everyday in my life, and in EVERY area. Never forget that it applies to each and every single thing we do through out our day. 

Hope it can make your day like it has made mine. 
Much love, 


Monday, October 21, 2013

It Will Pass

This talk is amazing. 

Even though a lot of you have probably read/watch, but please re-read or re-watch it. 

“Whether we be single or married, young or old, let’s talk for a moment about how to guard against temptation in whatever form it may present itself. We may not be able to cure all of society’s ills today, but let’s speak of what some personal actions can be.
- Like Joseph in the presence of Potiphar’s wife, just run run as far away as you can get from whatever or whoever it is that beguiles you. And please, when fleeing the scene of temptation, do not leave a forwarding address.
  • Ask for a priesthood blessing.
  • Pray without ceasing. 
  • Ask for angels to help you.
  • If an improper relationship is developing, sever it.
  • (An).. influences, at least initially, may not technically be evil, but they can blunt our judgment, dull our spirituality, and lead to something that could be evil.
  • Go to the temple as often as your circumstances allow. Remember that the temple arms you “with [God’s] power, … [puts His] glory … round about [you], and [gives His] angels … charge over [you].” And when you leave the temple, remember the symbols you take with you, never to be set aside or forgotten.
  • Picture the faces of those who love you and would be shattered if you let them down.
These are just a tiny few point from His talk. He is an amazing speaker. I know that it is hard. 

I have been there in those moments where you are breaking, screaming inside and ache to be numb. I promise you that this will pass. Don’t given in. I promise. Call me! Do anything! Don’t let Satan control you. Because by giving into your addiction you are letting Satan wrap more chains around you. Do whatever you have to. But set up a plan for when I am triggered I am going to try X,Y,Z. 
Write down your plan today. And know that a loving Heavenly Father will be there for you always. He literally will send you angels to help you, even though you may not feel like you deserve them.
I promise what Elder Holland said is true. I know it. 
I am so grateful! Smile, “be of good cheer and Know that I am with thee”
Much love,

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Beautiful To Him

He helps see that I have so much to offer. 
I am His daughter.
He loves me the way I am. 
He is my Father. 

Whoever you are. What ever you have done, or haven't done. What ever your circumstance this very moment He is there.

Don't you dare let those negative thoughts come in.

I know they do.

That's okay. 



He Loves you the way you are. 

I know that words are just one thing. I mean I could spend everyday on here bearing my testimony about how much He loves you, cares about you, yearns for you to come, and how mindful He is about your exact situation......but they really are just words. 

If you are in doubt. If you believe that He has given up on you. If you believe He is not real or there is no way could possible care or know what is going on in your life. 

I have been there....believe it or not. Just ask him. 

Yell at Him if you have to. Sob if you have to. Say it in your mind if you can't bear to say it out loud. Or just feel it with you heart. 

I can promise you that He will answer in a way that is exactly what you need. 

I promise that with all the energy of my soul.

He loves you, let Him...and expect miracles. 

Much Love,


Wednesday, October 9, 2013

He Knows My Language

This morning I read the end of 2 Nephi and started the book of Jacob. 

I don’t know if I have mentioned it on here in the past, but I used to say that the scriptures were hard for me to read. 

I get bored. They don’t make sense. They use words, sentences or stories that I don’t understand. 

I have read the whole Book Mormon a few times and my life and certainly have a testimony that is true. 

This morning as I read the Lord inspired me with so many thoughts that I definitely have to share. I will only share one today: 

2 Nephi 31:3:

 “The Lord God giveth light unto the understanding, for he speaketh unto men according to their language, unto their own understanding.”

I have always loved that scripture.  Like I have stated in the past I am dyslexic and today the Lord was able to remind me that Satan is using that as a barrier to the Spirit. 

Just because I have a learning disability does not mean that the scriptures do not apply to my life. Just because I do not understand ever words does not mean that I will not feel the spirit. I will. The Lord knows me exactly, every detail. He made me. He knows how I work, how I learn and what I don’t understand. And frankly, I don’t have to understand every principle. I just have to have faith. 

So thankful for His message and Spirit this morning. I promise that it applies to all of us, learning disability or not, the Lord speaks to us in our own understanding. If we will just let go of our desire(s), He will enlighten our minds and hearts. I bear testimony of this. I am so grateful for a loving God. 
Much Love,


Saturday, October 5, 2013

Broken Vessel (Conference Saturday Session)

I hope that everyone was able to watch conference.

It was perfect. It is certainly something that I look forward to every April and October.

Prior to conference I always write down questions that I feel I need answered.

One question I had was:

What can I do about my emotional and physical health problems? 
How can I trust in the Lord more to know that I will be okay?

Elder Holland's talk was more beautiful and perfect than I could have ever asked for.

photo credit to mudpreacher.org

I struggle with depression and anxiety, and have since my teen years. I have been having multiple health issues, which definitely have added anxiety and made me feel emotional overwhelmed. 

I feel like everyday I am so drained, so completely exhausted. Burnt out is an understatement. 

I have received many priesthood blessing and had many tender mercies along the way, which I thank the Lord for.

Elder Holland spoke of Depression being a real illness. He asked a question, 

"How do we respond to these feelings of depression and emotional stress?"

He answered with a bunch of things, I will paraphrase the ones that stood out to me.

1.  Remember that God loves you. His love never changes. It is their whether or not we feel we  deserve it. 

2. Seek counsel of those who have keys (Priesthood blessings)

3. Take the sacrament every week. Remember the atonement of Jesus Christ. Hold fast to the perfecting promises of it. 

4. Believe in miracles.

5. Remember that hope is never ever lost. 

6. "If the bitter cup doesn't pass, drink it" know that God is with you.

7. Be alert for things that will cause more stress. 

8. Fatigue is an enemy. Get rest. 

9. See a therapist, if needed. Be honest with them. Prayerfully follow there advice. 

10. Be patient. Be still. Stand still. 

11. Cherish the small victories, the small moments, even if they don't last long. 

12. Hold fast to faith and the love of Christ.

He stated that those of us with emotional disorders may feel like we are broken vessels, but to remember that these vessels are in the hands of the divine potter. To know that one day the dawn will break brightly and all shadows of mortality will flee. 

My heart is overwhelmed with love for my Savior who cared enough about me to answer my question in this talk (as well as many others). I am so grateful that He can carry me through this. I am so blessed to have an outline to follow that can help me through my emotional/mental and physical problems. For the Lord has promised me that He will go before my face and be on my right hand and on my left, and His spirit will bear me up.  I know without a doubt that He will. I am grateful for the strength he can continue provide for me. 

It is my prayer that we can all look to Christ and trust in Him. That we can all know that He is aware of us. He knows us. He is mindful of our struggles. 

In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Much Love,


Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Owe It All To Thee

It's late and I am sleepy....but today cannot go without thanking the Lord.

Today I become a facilitator for a women's Addiction Recovery Group.

I couldn't take the badge off.

I didn't want to leave the room.

It was so serial.

It made me realize how far I have come.

I am so thankful for the Lord. I am so blessed to have been brought so far.

Thank you dear Lord.

I owe it all to you.

I know the Lord is all powerful, all knowing, and all loving!

Thank you Lord.

Much love,

Your grateful daughter