Saturday, November 1, 2014

To have Balance, have the Atonement

Theses last few weeks I have become overwhelmed by life. You see I get overwhelmed easily (as we all do), but I will not let that define me.

If you have ever been to a 12 Step Addiction Recovery Program you most likely have heard people talk about their “dailies”.

Dailies- things that people do to keep them humble (sober) and get them through that day.

A few examples of dailies are:
   Reading the scriptures
               Listening to words of the Prophets.
               Act of service

As I was recently listening to re-runs of a podcast I came across Trish Blackwell. (I know I have talked about her on here before, but she is incredible and so inspiring) In her podcast she talks about her “WLWBL" (When Life Works Best List)

This is a list of things that make her ideal day. 

Balance is essential, yet it can be overlooked or under looked. We have so many “categories” or some many priorities. How could we possibly have the time to get all these things done?

Sister Beck stated that she “is able to get all things done in the day because the Atonement of Jesus Christ”.

Brent L. Top stated, “It is not a sign of weakness to avail ourselves of the Atonement. Rather, it shows courage faith and gratitude. The Atonement allows us not only to repent of sin but also to receive an outpouring of the Savior’s grace, which strengthens us when we simply do not have the power to overcome our human weaknesses. It allows the Savior to share our burdens and compensate for our many inadequacies”.

Sister Beck discussed having balance in her life here.

I know it’s 33 minutes. But it is amazing. It helped open up my eye’s so much.

I get so focused on lists (which can be beneficial) that I take it upon myself to get too much done, in too small of a period or time. Or that It must be done perfectly. Stressful!! We all do it. So stop. Listen to Sister Beck's inspiring guidance

She goes into detail about 
1. Focusing on the essentials in life! 
- Praying. 
- Reading scriptures.
- Doing act of service. 
2. Understanding that with the essential it doesn't need to be done perfectly, extravagant, or time-consuming. It just needs to be done! 
3. The way we can do #2 is by having our lives align with God’s life.
4. If it is good enough for the Lord it is good enough for us.

May we all remember that God loves us. We can slow down, realign and focus. 

I know that God loves us and wants to be in our lives. It is my prayer that we can listen to inspiring words of our Prophet and leaders (Sister Beck!!). And turn to the Atonement in every area of our lives, here and now

Much love,
