Saturday, July 12, 2014

Whether You Think You Can or Can’t, You Are Right!

My husband and I were recently discussing a character weakness of mine that I am trying to overcome. After we had talked for a good 20 minutes. He said, “Rachel, Stop telling yourself it in that way or you can’t change." He then shared this quote: Whether you think you can or can’t, you are right. - Henry Ford

I hate that quote because it is true. All great leaders understand this too. They know if they carry themselves confidently, they will eventually start to feel confident, even in highly stressful situations.

It brought me back to positive affirmations.  I know you may have done these before. I have done many in my therapy sessions. I hate them in the moment and love the result of it. So stubborn!

We all have tapes in our head that are on repeat. They’re lies! We need to stop them and stop them on a daily basis. So start by:

1     1.    Following this quote: 
Make a list of words for every day this week that you want to describe you that day. Not the negative words, critical or perfectionism words that we have on repeat. Change how you see yourself by changing your words. For example: daughter of God, joyful, grateful, powerful, strong, beautiful, limitless, wise, loving, perfect today- as I am, beautiful, giving, strong, humble, charitable, Christ's friend, etc. etc. And if you don’t think picking a word everyday will work with your schedule then write a list of words and read over them every week or month. Whatever works for your schedule!
  2. Positive affirmations: I had a hard time writing my own positive, encouraging words so my therapist wrote some for me. If you have a therapist, mentor or a friend ask them to help you write some. Otherwise, you can buy cards with positive affirmations online and millions of sites have list of them, like this one.
  3. Write something good about yourself everyday. EVERY SINGLE DAY. At least for a week. Get post it notes. Write a positive thing about yourself even especially if you don’t believe it. Stick it on your mirror in your bathroom. Everyday read every single post it note out loud in front of the mirror. Saying it out loud it key for me!

It is so easy to get caught up. I know I have been. So I am doing this right along with you. Lets fight those voice's. Fight that moving target of perfectionism and love ourselves here and now, today, exactly how we are.

Good luck this week. I will let you know how it goes next week. Hope you are able to join in with me.

Much love,


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