Monday, March 3, 2014

As I Approached He Smiled....

“I know, as I know that I live, that this is God’s work and that you are His servants. … I remember one testimony, among the many testimonies which I have received. … Two years ago, about this time, I had been on the Fort Peck Reservation for several days with the brethren, solving the problems connected with our work among the Lamanites. Many questions arose that we had to settle. There was no precedent for us to follow, and we just had to go to the Lord and tell Him our troubles, and get inspiration and help from Him. On this occasion I had sought the Lord, under such circumstances, and that night I received a wonderful manifestation and impression which has never left me. I was carried to this place—into this room. I saw myself here with you. I was told there was another privilege that was to be mine; and I was led into a room where I was informed I was to meet someone. As I entered the room I saw, seated on a raised platform, the most glorious being I have ever conceived of, and was taken forward to be introduced to Him. As I approached He smiled, called my name, and stretched out His hands towards me. If I live to be a million years old I shall never forget that smile. He put His arms around me and kissed me, as He took me into His bosom, and He blessed me until my whole being was thrilled. As He finished I fell at His feet, and there saw the marks of the nails; and as I kissed them, with deep joy swelling through my whole being, I felt that I was in heaven indeed. The feeling that came to my heart then was: Oh! If I could live worthy, though it would require four-score years, so that in the end when I have finished I could go into His presence and receive the feeling that I then had in His presence, I would give everything that I am or ever hope to be!” (Melvin J. Ballard—Crusader for Righteousness, Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1966, p. 65–66.)

I am so grateful that no matter all the hard things I have been through that I know without a doubt that I will see Him. I will know His face and His voice. I will do anything to get back to Him no matter how hard things can be, I know without a single doubt that it is worth every hardship to get back to the Lord. I rejoiced to come down here and yes, it gets hard and ugly, but the end goal- WOW! The end goal is seriously unbelieving amazing!

Thank you Lord! I am so excited to be in your presence again, help me to get there. I miss you!

Much Love,



  1. Wow, that is a beautiful account. Thanks for sharing that. It gives me hope to get through the adversity I face, there is a purpose to all of this.
    God bless you!

  2. This is beautiful! Thank you for sharing.
