Throughout Step 10 it asks some questions, such as:
Am I doing too much or too little?
Am I taking care of my basic spiritual, emotional and physical needs?
Do you serve others?
A few weeks ago I listen to Trish Blackwell’s pod cast, Confidence on the go, highly recommended. I love love love her!! She really does bring me confidence, very grateful for her.
In this podcast she stated that she asked herself these following questions:
What are three core values?
What are my three core strengths?
What are my three core weaknesses?
What is out of balance in my life and am I willing to address it?
What do I think is really possible for me?
What would I do if I could really accomplish anything?
What holds me back, fear of success or fear of failure?
What makes my heart sing?
What doesn’t make my heart sing that I keep doing anyways?
What am I really doing with the gifts and talents I have been given?
What was my biggest disappointment of 2013?
What will I celebrate most in 2014?
I love these questions! I am so grateful that as I have worked the steps and that now the Lord can help me look within. LDS Addiction Recovery Manual says,” We realized how much our addictions had robbed relationships and robbed us of sense of worth”. (Step 1, pg.1)
In my addiction I compeltely lost who I was. I am so extremely grateful that these questions can help me look within and be in tune with me, the real me.
Much love,
Great blog - really happy I have found it. Inspirational!!