Key Principle: Humbly ask Heavenly Father to remove your shortcomings.
I have been on this step for months and months. And I will be completely honest. I have not been doing my steps daily. It has made things rough. But I am grateful for this blog. That I can share my feelings and experiences. I hope that this can help me to keep my thoughts all in one place, see my progression and help others.
If you are not familiar with the steps they can be found online
or you can buy the whole book for $3. It has changed my life.
More on my story to come.
But for now I want to share somethings from step 7.
The parts that stood out to be were:
Our desire was....”to become one heart and in mind with Heavenly Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
At this point ....“We were finally ready to have God change out very nature”
Am I ready for that? Have I given my entire self? Holding nothing back??
“Having felt a portion of the love of God, we desire to give up all our sins, even ALL inclination to sin”
The part of this quote that gets to me that most is how is says “portion”. We have only felt a tiny tiny amount of the love of the Lord, yet it is enough to give up ALL INCLINATION TO SIN!!
“ We had finally come to realize that no other name, no other way nor means, can give us a complete remission of our sins”
“Holding NOTHING back we plead with the Father”
Sometimes it s hard to not hold anything back with people around me, including the Lord. It is easy to listen to the lies this world tells me. It is easy to think that God already knows how I feel so I don’t have to tell him.
I know I do. I know without a doubt He really does care.
“ We had to surrender every particle or self-sufficient pride and admit that our efforts to save ourself had been insufficient”.
By this step “we had not become entirely free from the desire to sin. We had to learn to accept life on God’s terms and wait upon His purposes and His timing”.
It is good to be reminded that I will still be tempted. That I will still have a desire and that is does not mean all is lost. It means that I need to rely on the Lord more. Accepting His terms; day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute, sometime every second of every day.
“Even as you feel the pains of your re-birth, remember that His suffering, not yours, ensures your redemption from sin. Your sacrifice is only a humble reminder of his great and last sacrifice on your behalf”.
How beautiful is that last quote above! I don’t have to suffer. I have to have Godly sorrow, plead with the father, and repent. But when I am being hard on myself it is harmful. It does not “help me learn a lesson”. I learn through the Lord. Not from Satan’s lies.
I seem to get caught up in that a lot. I really want to work on that this week. I have so much good in my life. Because I have God I have good!
Thank you Lord for all you do. I love thee. I am grateful for thee.
Much appreciation ,
- A recovering addict who is accepted by God, others and herself.
Much appreciation ,
- A recovering addict who is accepted by God, others and herself.
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