As I wrote in my last entry I am currently working on step 7, which is Humility.
In the first action step it asks us to meditate on the sacrament prayers and apply them directly to ourself. By replacing things with ‘I’ or ‘my’ to make them more personal. The past few weeks I have been doing this, and although this blog post is not about those scared experiences I challenge all to apply them directly to yourself. Write them out just for you, say them out loud just for you. It is a beautiful and sacred experience.
By having such sacred experiences with the directing them to myself, I started to do it with some scriptures. Two nights ago I had some time to write a scripture down and relate to myself in such a deep way. It is a scripture that is in step 7 so I thought it would be most appropriate .
The scripture is Mosiah 4:9-12
I believe in God.
I believe He is.
I believe He created all things.
I believe He created heaven and earth
I believe He has all wisdom.
I believe that I cannot comprehend all things that the Lord comprehends.
I believe that if I repent of my sins and forsake them, and if I humble myself before God and I ask in sincerity of my heart that He will forgive me.
And because I believe these things I will do them.
I can come to know the knowledge of the glory of God.
I can come to know His goodness.
I can come to know the taste of His love.
I can receive a remission of my own sins.
I can have exceedingly great joy in my soul; such joy that I will remember and will always retain a remembrance the great goodness of my God.
I can know my own nothingness.
I can know His goodness towards me.
I cam know His long-suffering towards me.
I can humble myself, even in the depths of humility.
I can call upon the Lord daily.
I can stand steadfast in my faith of that which is to come.
When I do this....
I shall always rejoice.
I will be filled with the love of God.
I will always retain a remission of my sins.
I shall grow in knowledge of the glory of my father which created me and the knowledge which is just and true.
I really love this! I know that I can, through the Lord achieve everything above and MORE. I know that we all can.
I am excited to read the scripture in such a way that I can relate them to my own personal life and my recovery. Because I know that the Lord works and speaks to us individually. I did not always know that and at times it is really difficult.
I am grateful for step 7. For this particularly action step and how it has changed my view of the scriptures. This step is helping me be humble and see things with that soften heart.
Much love and hope,
- A recovering addict who is accepted by God, others and herself.
Much love and hope,
- A recovering addict who is accepted by God, others and herself.
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