Saturday, May 31, 2014

Miracle-Working Program

I wanted to thank all of you for your support! I have felt so loved by all of you! Thank you so much!

As I have shared my story with you, a lot have had questions about 12 Step Addiction Recovery Groups. Below are some frequently asked questions. Feel free to ask me anymore. 

What is The 12 Step LDS Addiction Recovery Program?

“The Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous have been adapted into a framework of the doctrines, principles, and beliefs of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. They are presented as key principles. You will learn how to apply these key principles and find that they can change your life.” -

What do a wear to a meeting?

Wear normal daily clothes. Please wear modest clothes to keep the spirit in the room. :D

What do I need to bring to a meeting?

Nothing! Just yourself, what courage it takes to go to a meeting.

If you would like you can buy a manual prior to the meeting (they provide them there).
The manual can be downloaded on your phone, bought at the distribution center or even delivered to your home (free shipping!!) from distribution center.

What do you do at meetings?

There are 12 different steps in the program. Every week we focus on a different step. We read through that particular step. We then go into a “sharing portion” of the meeting. During this time we go around the room. Each person has the opportunity to share something about this week’s step, the step they are currently working on, or an event that happen that week. We keep each share positive to invite the Holy Spirit to be with us. And you can pass, not everyone says something. Promise!

Here is a video that shows what happens in meetings:

Confidentially is part of the group, right?

YES! These groups are a safe place.
Each week we read this slogan:
“Whom you see here, what you hear here, when you leave here, let it stay here”.
We introduce ourselves by first name only to keep the principle of anonymity.

Where can I find a meeting?

The link below can provide you with a list of meeting close to you.

You can change the filters to Men only groups or Women other groups, support groups or addict groups.  

The following list are a few WOMEN ONLY meetings that are in Utah:
1. Spanish Fork Women's Pornography Addiction
Spanish Fork UT 84660
Tuesday 7:30 pm
     –Those who Struggle with Addiction/Women only
2. Woman's PASG Pornography Addiction
Murray UT, 84107
Tuesday 7:30 pm
     –Those who Struggle with Addiction/Women Only
3. Springville Jr. High Seminary Building Pornography Addiction
Springville, UT 84663
Wednesday 7:30 pm
     –Those who Struggle with Addiction/Women only

4. UVU - Women's Pornography Addiction
Orem, Utah
Wednesday 7:30 pm
     –Those who Struggle with Addiction/ Women only
5. Mountain View H.S. Seminary Building - Women's Only   General Addiction
Orem, Utah 84057
Wednesday 7:30 pm
     –Those who Struggle with Addiction/Women only
Women's Only Meeting for all types of women's issues.
   Enter South Side.
6. Oak Hills Stake Center Pornography Addiction
Provo Utah 84604
Thursday 7:30 pm
     –Those who Struggle with Addiction/ Women only
7. Jordan Institute Room #204 - Pornography     Addiction
West Jordan, Utah 84088
Friday 7:30 pm
     –Those who Struggle with Addiction/ Women Only
8. Orem Sunset Heights Stake Center Eating Disorders
Orem UT
Saturday 12:00 pm
     –Those who Struggle with Addiction/ Men and Women
High Council Room - Southeast Corner

Why is going to meetings important?

1. You can figure out if you have an addiction.
2. You can meet people who are going through what you have been to, they really do understand!
3. You can learn coping mechanisms that can help your addiction.
4. You can receive hope and know that recovery is possible.
5. Shame will be lifted as you realize others love you with all your “Baggage”.
6. You will feel the spirit. I don’t care what you have done, where you are theses rooms are holy and full of overwhelming joy and love.
7. You will find a support group and a specific support person that you can text, call, and really talk to anytime.

The most important thing I personally have realized through theses meeting is the atonement is applicable to be here and now, exactly where I am. The 12 Step Addiction Recovery Program is a “Atonement 101”, as some of us say in our group. It is such an amazing program. I can testify of that. I am personally a testimony that it works. It is a miracle-working program. And any and ALL are free to come, whether you yourself struggle with an addiction a family member struggles or your just want to see how it goes ALL are welcome.

Much love,


Saturday, May 24, 2014

Stop Comparing & Start Connecting

My life looks very different on my Instagram then it does in real life. Everyone’s life looks perfect on the Internet. The Internet is half the truth. We get to take tons of selfies and choose which one is the best. Prior to posting it we get to edit it, change all the different filters, and ta-dah! The new and improved you and me.

Some days I am so enriched, edify and uplifted by what I see on the Internet. Other days I find a fun recipe, a cute outfit or a funny joke. I love all of that. But I also fall unto the envy of the Internet. I feel captive by other people’s half-truths and filter photos. And their amazing lives make mine feel worthless.

So how can we avoid becoming victim to the envy and self-destruction of the Internet? 

1. Unfollow people you envy! Choose to follow people that inspire you and not people that create disappointment and guilt in yourself.

A recent CNN article explored how we are now exposed to more and more images of unattainable beauty, thanks to social networking: “Before social networks, we mostly had images of impossibly perfect celebrities. We would pass these images on billboards, watch them on TV, flip through them in magazines, but we weren't sitting around staring at them for hours every day.” 

We are not just exposed to them we interact with them for hours on end.

Go one to social media right now and unfriend, unfollow, “Un” whatever them so you do not have to have it in your life! RIGHT NOW!

2. Don’t compare your weakness to other strengths.

Real life happens when we enter actual homes with actual messes. When we see a cute child not really acting so cute. When we are able to tell a vulnerable story and be heard. When we have bad and good days. It is reality!

Remember the interior designer you follow is AN INTERIOR DESIGNER! That it is his or her talent, it is what he or she does. You have a different talent. Invest time in your talents, rather then wasting your time wishing you had what everyone else has.
3. No social media when bored!

Seeing half-truth version of other peoples’ lives isn’t the only jeopardy of the Internet. We rarely check Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, or what social media site when we’re having our own amazing adventures.

We check it when we’re bored and when we’re lonely, and it increases that boredom and loneliness.

Once again find your talents.
Set a timer or alarm so you aren’t one social media for hours!

4.    Remember the best is posted. Our life is a film not a snapshot.

Over 200 photos were taken by a professional photographer of me for they blog.I selected my favorites the best of the best for the home page, right? Of course! Plus a professional did my makeup prior to the photo shoot and I bought brand new clothes just for that occasion.

This is the picture you guys see on the home page:

This was also taken that same day:

Remember professional done, still edited. 100's of photo to look through before posting any! Everyone does that! We all post the best!

Let’s stop comparing. Let’s start connecting.

I am not saying walk away from the Internet. I use social media everyday for my blog. What I mean is surrounded yourself with a worthwhile social media.

So for the next month, from today until June 24th I will be posting unfiltered, no half truth, real me photos. 

Follow me at @happyisforme with the hashtags #realme #happyisforme. Join in with me! Show the real you, don't let fear stand in the way! Start connecting!

Much love,

Rachel M.