Saturday, April 26, 2014

God's Love Is There For

I was able to watch a movie called Unconditional Love .  It is currently streaming on Netflix. I highly recommend it.  

During the movie that wife tells this story:

"Everyone seeks to make a difference in this world.
My husband, Billy’s, idea for changing the world with Love. The $2 bill.
It became to be Billy’s symbol of love.
There are millions of $2 bills in print, 
more than enough to go around.
But you hardly ever see them.
People hoard them, hide them away
Billy would always say,” There is enough love to go around, you just have to share it”.
Billy had this crazy idea. He would go around giving 2 dollar bills to perfect strangers.

Love is unconditional. There truly is enough love to go around. All we have to do is share it."

I love this story so much. I hope that we can all remember that as we come to Christ He can helps us to love those around us. Because there truly is "enough love to go around". 

President Monson talked of this perfectly in General conference April 2013, "We Never Walk Alone" he said: 

"My dear sisters, your Heavenly Father loves you- each of you. That love never changes. It is not influences by your appearance, by your possession, or by the amount of money you have in your bank account. It is not changed by your talents and abilities.  It is there for you when you are sad or happy, discouraged of hopeful. God's love is  there for you whether or not you feel you deserve it. It is simply always there." 

May we remember that the love from God is obtainable for all of us, even our enemies

I love you all so much. I pray that you may come to truly know that His love is there for you always. 

Much love,



  1. Beautiful! I needed to read this today. Thanks!

  2. This is beautiful! Thank you for reminding me.

  3. Thank you for sharing those words from Pres. Monson, a great reminder. Thank you for sharing this blog with us. Best to you, Margarita
