Saturday, April 26, 2014

God's Love Is There For

I was able to watch a movie called Unconditional Love .  It is currently streaming on Netflix. I highly recommend it.  

During the movie that wife tells this story:

"Everyone seeks to make a difference in this world.
My husband, Billy’s, idea for changing the world with Love. The $2 bill.
It became to be Billy’s symbol of love.
There are millions of $2 bills in print, 
more than enough to go around.
But you hardly ever see them.
People hoard them, hide them away
Billy would always say,” There is enough love to go around, you just have to share it”.
Billy had this crazy idea. He would go around giving 2 dollar bills to perfect strangers.

Love is unconditional. There truly is enough love to go around. All we have to do is share it."

I love this story so much. I hope that we can all remember that as we come to Christ He can helps us to love those around us. Because there truly is "enough love to go around". 

President Monson talked of this perfectly in General conference April 2013, "We Never Walk Alone" he said: 

"My dear sisters, your Heavenly Father loves you- each of you. That love never changes. It is not influences by your appearance, by your possession, or by the amount of money you have in your bank account. It is not changed by your talents and abilities.  It is there for you when you are sad or happy, discouraged of hopeful. God's love is  there for you whether or not you feel you deserve it. It is simply always there." 

May we remember that the love from God is obtainable for all of us, even our enemies

I love you all so much. I pray that you may come to truly know that His love is there for you always. 

Much love,


Saturday, April 19, 2014

My God, My God, Why Hast Thou Forsaken Me?

“With sorrow unspeakable those who loved Him placed His wounded, lifeless body in the new tomb of Joseph of Arimathea. Gone was hope from the lives of His Apostles, whom He had loved and taught. He to whom they had looked as Lord and Master had been crucified and His body laid in a sealed tomb. He had taught them of His eventual death and Resurrection, but they had not understood. Now they were forlorn and dejected. They must have wept and wondered as the great stone was rolled to seal the burial place.” -This Glorious Easter Morn, By Gordon B. Hinckley, April 1996

Just as the Apostles lost hope because their Master was gone, I think we too have lost hope. It is my belief that as Jesus and God explained to us our journey here on earth; the trials, the afflictions, the distance, and the hardships. I think that we too “had not understood” how hard it would be down here on earth. I think they we too have “wept and wondered” where our great Master is.

We have cried as Jesus cried asking...My God, my God, why hast thou Forsaken me?- Matthew 27:46

Elder Holland stated,“Our Father...did not forsake His Son in that hour. Indeed, it is my personal belief that in all of Christ’s mortal ministry the Father may never have been closer to His Son than in these agonizing final moments of suffering.” - None Were With Him,April 2009 conf.

I truly believe in moments where we feel completely lost and hopeless that God is closer than He has ever been. That His love for us, as well as His son's love is perfect and always available  for us. No matter what we have done. 

Elder Wilford W. Andersen said, “Hope comes from faith in Jesus Christ. He has already overcome the world and has promised us that He will wipe away our tears if we would only turn to Him and believe and follow”.

May we remember “One of the great consolations of this Easter season is that because Jesus walked such a long, lonely path utterly alone, we do not have to do so”. 
-None Were With Him, by Elder Holland, April 2009 conf.

Easter season is a message of Hope. Hope that God is close. Always so close. May we ever be thankful that He sent His son to die for us. May we cling to Him to remember why we came here, and that we too can fulfill our purpose here on earth. 

Let us remember that Jesus's Death was not the end of Him. He surely does live. “He is not here: for He is risen." (Matt 28:6)

Much Love & Hope

Rachel M.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

My Chains Are Gone

This week has been a crazy one. I have a lot of things that I want to say, but am exhausted. I will share later this week. But  I want to share with you a song that has been lifting by spirits and has gotten me through this week.

I can testify that "My chains are gone, I've been set free" and I promise you that no matter where you are in your life God can still change it and "make you free".

Praying for all of you, I mean it.

Much love,


Saturday, April 5, 2014

Prayer Keeps Men From Sin & Sin Keep Men From Prayer

I tend to have a million thoughts running through my mind, as we all most certainly do.
I have been trying to really focus on my prayers and really feel like God is there.
Too often I feel as if I am talking to myself.

The Lord told me to try a few different things. By doing these things I am now conversing with the Lord all through they day.

1. Praying Aloud

About a year or so into recovery I started saying prayers out loud now and again. It is something I have tried to get into more of a habit of. When I pray out loud it make me feel closer to God and becomes more a conversation. Of course God hears prayers that are send silently, but praying aloud has helped me feel focus and close to our dear God.

Also, those of you who are married. My husband and I try to pray aloud together. One of us will go first, we switch off. One prays aloud and then the next goes. It has been a beautiful blessing in our marriage. It also helps us be more vulnerable with each other, and of course allow us to become one with the Lord.

2. Prayer Journal

I started to write down my prayers every morning in my regular journal, basically writing letters to God. Too often I am falling asleep during a prayer, thinking about something else or distracted in someway. As I started this journal I noticed that I was paying attention! It was beautiful. But something even more spectacular has happen. I now can see a conversation between me and God. He is answering my letters, all of them. I get see to everything written down that He prompts me. I realized I had missed so much before. Writing is such an important tool. Such a treasure.

3.  Praying in your Heart Continually

In the 12 Step LDS Addiction Recovery Guide it talks about taking a thought that you read in our scriptures and meditation on it throughout the day (Step 11, Action Steps). I have also taken a quote, a conference talk, a question I have personally or a pray for someone else in need to meditate on throughout the day. Everyday is different, but everyday I am filled with the spirit.

If you are practicing your addiction, have slipped, or feel unworthy of God's love in any way. I can testify that the Lord is not just there for you, He is reaching for you. He needs you. His arms are so peaceful. Even if you are mad at Him, talk to him. Yell at him if you have too, cry if the words don't come. He wants to hear from you no matter how it comes.

I am so grateful for prayer. It brought me out of my addiction and not only keeps me out, but bring me the greatest happiness and peace.

Much much love,
