Saturday, September 7, 2013


I want to thank all those who helped me write my story.

First and foremost, My wonderful husband!

He has always been a huge support.

I am so grateful he fixed all my spelling errors and goofy sentences.

Thank you for letting me get wet mascara all of your shirts as I cry.

Thank you for listening to me.

But most of all thank you for encouraging me to open up, to share with others.

Thank you for marrying me in the temple. I know we will be together forever.

I love you!

I always want to thank those of you that share your personal stories about your recovery.

It has helped me know that I am not a lone.

It inspires me to reach out more.

It helps me in so many ways.


Stephanie Nielsen was truly an inspiration to me.

I actually was able to meet her recently.

My mother set it up as my birthday present.

It was exactly what I needed.

(and she is even more delightful and beautiful in person!!)

She helped me see that:

1. We can get through anything.
2. That we are so strong, and indestructible with the Lord in our lives.
3. That all our stories can help uplift others.

She is a gem!

I want to thank Christa Black for her amazing story, that just came across.

That was NO coincidence!!!!!

Her story is beautiful! So excited to read your book, which I just got in the mail. Woohooo!

I want to thank my family, friends and co-workers. Your stories are inspiring. And although most of them do not know about this blog or/and what I am struggle with, the day will come where they will  know how much they have helped me and molded me.

I am have been searching for other stories or books that are inspiring.

The scriptures are an amazing place to start!  (I will go in to detail about that another time)

(If know any, PLEASE, post below. Thanks)

Oh how wonderful our Lord is.

I hope that we can all tell our stories and be an inspiration to those around us.

We can all learn from each other.

Thank you for helping me learn!

Much love,


1 comment:

  1. Much love back to you, Rachel! Thank you for sharing your story. :)
