I know everything happens for a reason, but sometimes I wish I knew why.
About two weeks ago I started having some abdominal pain. It has progressively gotten worse. If I eat the pain increases. I am uncomfortable. I am bloated. .....blah, blah, blah! Gallbladder abnormality has my name written ALL over it.
(I am not just complaining, promise! this post has a point.)
Because of the slight limitations I have had the last few weeks I have become very frustrated. The pain comes and goes, so I always get my hopes up that it is gone. But wham, its back!
I didn’t realize how much I was complaining and how anger I was until my husband asked if I wanted a blessing. (I SHOULD HAVE ASKED WEEKS EARLY!!!!) Of course, I knew it was exactly what I needed.
My husband gave me a blessing. And the Lord had so much to tell me. I know He was there holding my hand telling me that He understood. I know it is a small thing (especially compared to other people’s illness), but the Lord knows to me it is a trial. He truly knows how I feel.
Another part that stood out in the blessing was that the Lord said something a long the lines of...you worked hard to get this body. You were so excited to get it. Treasure it! Lean on me. I will guide you to doctors and people that can help you.
I know I get so caught up in what I have that when it’s gone I get so angry. I know (or think) we all do.... Like when I get a cold/ sinus infection. I can’t taste anything. My head is pounding. My body achy. I wish it would go away so bad. I want to breathe, taste and have energy. But right when that is gone, I don’t even notice. It is just a part of everyday life.
I am grateful for this physical affliction right now. It gives me time to trust in the Lord more. I have the opportunity to be reminded every day that I have been given such a beautiful gift, my body.
I came across this video today (and even though watching it was sorta weird the words and the message are awesome!)
I hope we can call realize the miracles that are around us everyday.
Much love!